One of the most well-known anime series of all time is Future Diary. A mystery and psychological thriller anime series, Mirai Nikki is also known as an anime in many other countries. It was first released in 2011. Even years after its first release, the anime continues to draw in new viewers interested in the prospect of a second season.
Although many of us first became familiar with it through its anime, the show is based on a manga series created by Sakae Esuno. The Japanese animation studio Asread created the animation for Future Diary. The studio is well-known to us because of the popular television show Arifureta.
Funimation-licensed anime was broadcast from October 10, 2011, until April 16, 2012. Following the OVA episode, which was last released in 2013, we haven’t seen a new episode of the anime. The anime has the opportunity to gain international recognition by being posted on the popular streaming service Hulu TV.
Despite the time that has passed, we have seen that many anime are making a comeback with a second season. Could this be the case with Future Diary—will the anime soon have a second season? Recalling the show will help us determine what is known about the second season.
The Plotline of the Anime
Amano Yukiteru (Yuki) is a socially awkward individual who spends his days writing journals on his cell phone and conversing with his imaginary acquaintances. On his phone, he has a written record of everything that will happen that day when he wakes up.
Yuki is even more shocked by the incidents recorded on his phone. He then realizes that his imagined friend, Deus, the god of time, is a natural person. Then Yuki enters Deus’s competition. A death race starts as Yuki discovers there are 11 other people just like her. Only one of these 12 left, and that person will become the new god of time.
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Similar to Yuki’s phone, each rival’s phone has advantages and disadvantages of its own. These aspects are what provide appeal to anime. It describes what will occur around someone’s phone and how people may flee in the future. Such minute particulars, unfamiliarity, blind spots, and mental games provide depth to the anime. When humanity witnesses this future, how will they kill one another? By making moves and countermoves?
Release Date for Season 2 of Future Diary
There were speculations that the Future Diary sequel would not be made, which was terrible news for all the fans. But hold on, neither Studio Asread nor the other authorized organizations of this anime-related project have publicly announced their cancellation.
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Despite the high demand for part 2, there are also very slim odds that it will be renewed. It is challenging to forecast whether or not season 2 will air. The primary cause is that part 2 of the story already wraps up the plot. And if official announcements about the second season are made.
The second season will likely be renewed in the final weeks of 2022 or the first few months of 2023.
Character and the Season 2 Voice Actor of Future Diary
The manga’s author and illustrator are Sakae Esuno. The Shonen Ace magazine from Kadokawa Shoten published Future Diary, also known as Mirai Nikki.
Twelve volumes were published between January 2006 and December 2010, totaling 80,000 pages. Due to the success of the light novel, Studio Asread created the anime version of the manga. Shogo Miyaki and Michiko Namiki run the Future Diary.
The Future Diary cast includes:
- Misuzu Togashi voices Yukiteru Amano
- Yuno Gasai is voiced by Tomosa Murata.
- Muru Muru is voiced by Manami Honda.
- Norio Wakamoto expresses Deus Ex Machina.
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The final chapter of Future Diary was finished in the OVA episode, debuting after the first season’s conclusion. The plot is over by not renewing the show. We suggest seeing the OVA if you weren’t happy with the first season because it aired sometime in June 2013.
Future Diary Ratings and Reviews
IMDb gave the anime Future Diary a 7.6 rating based on 16,734 votes, and MyAnimeList gave it a 7.4 rating based on 11,06,703 votes. The anime has the perfect balance of suspense, action, and mystery. The fans assert that the storyline and character development make it worthwhile to watch.
Everything in this anime is excellent, and the writing is exceptional. The plot is perfect, the artwork is terrific, and the characters are well-written, although there are a few NSFW situations. Your time will be well spent, and I advise everyone to do it.
The OVA episode adapts the leftover story from the nearly 12-volume first season of Future Diary. The production staff has nothing to do because the second season will not air soon. You will have to wait for it because the anime can only go on if the author wants to write more.