At ParkMapper, we are dedicated to providing the most comprehensive and up-to-date information about parks and outdoor spaces around the world. We believe that everyone should have access to the beauty and benefits of nature, and our mission is to make it easier for people to find and explore the parks in their community and beyond.
If you are passionate about parks and the great outdoors, and would like to share your knowledge and experiences with others, we would love to have you join our team as a contributor.
- Excellent writing skills and a passiton for outdoor writing
- A strong knowledge of parks and outdoor recreation areas
- The ability to produce original, high-quality content on a consistent basis
- The ability to meet deadlines and work efficiently under pressure
If you are interested in writing for, please fill out the form on this page with your information and a writing sample. Our team will review your submission and get back to you as soon as possible if we are interested in having you write for us.
To write for any website, a blogger needs to perform keyword research in which he makes sure that the topic must rank on the website.
Similarly, I don’t want an article on any general topic.
Give us content that deserves to rank, that deserves to solve problems of at least 1000 users/month and if you are failed in doing so if your guest post article doesn’t get any ranking, you will not get 100% benefit from the sponsored post.
If you want to take full advantage of the sponsored posts or if you want to rank for high competitive keywords, do keyword research and then write on a topic that could rank on and through your anchor, text/anchor URL – get ranking just from this 1 post.
Mind you, Getting a 1 sponsored post which ranks is better than getting a 10 sponsored post which doesn’t rank because, after ranking, your authority increases in a better way, and you get a ranking on those keywords where you could maximize your business.
- Your article must be unique and well-written. If the article will be copied, we will not accept any submission from you.
- To publish the article at, your article must be 800+ words along with the relevant images and videos.
- Interlink your article with other topics of
- Keep your article simple and through the point. Users must get benefit from it.
Authors/writers are requested to preferably send in previously unpublished works. Only in some cases, we accept previously published works. The decision to accept/reject such works rests solely with the editor.
It may help if it is mentioned that the piece is sent simultaneously to several other news organizations.
The general word length should range between 1,000-1,400 words. In rare cases, it may be a two-part write-up if the topic deserves and demands it.
The submission should be accompanied by two lines bio of the author.
Attach a photo related to the content, if not suggest a photo idea to go with it.
Currently, we are accepting submissions only in English.
Where to send it?
If you have any queries, please write to Park Mapper Editor at [email protected]
We read all emails and try to reply to each and every mail. Still, if you don’t hear from us, please drop in another mail.