The lie poker game continues. Russia “increased” Its presence on the border with Ukraine Up to “7,000 soldiers”, some of whom were in Moscow, arrived on Wednesday Announced the partial withdrawal of its forcesA senior White House official promised Wednesday evening.
“Yesterday the Russians announced the withdrawal of troops from the (…) border with Ukraine. We now know that it was a mistake. In fact, we have now confirmed that Russia has increased its presence on the Ukrainian border to 7,000 in recent days, some of whom have arrived today,” anonymous. The senior official told reporters.
Bombing and attack helicopter
“Russia says it wants to find a diplomatic solution, but its actions are different. We hope it will change direction before the start of a catastrophic and devastating war,” he said.
The senior official considered that this excuse could be carried out in “different forms” such as “a provocation” in the Donbass region or a false “infiltration” into Russian territory.
New Maxar Satellite images taken in the last 48 hours show military operations in Belarus, Crimea and western Russia. The pictures below are of Pip. 15 and show a new pontoon bridge over the Pripiat River in Belarus.
– Christopher Miller (hChristopherJM) February 16, 2022
Satellite images from private company Maxar Technologies on Monday show that Russia has recently deployed new offensive forces. Sukhoi Su-34 tactical bombers are now stationed at a base in the Krasnodar Territory on the southern border of Ukraine, and attack helicopters are stationed in Crimea. Moscow seems to have built a pontoon across a river in Belarus near the northern Ukrainian border.
Over the last ten days many tents that look like field hospitals have been set up. Finally, on Tuesday there were massive cyber attacks on the Ministry of Defense and about fifteen Ukrainian banks. Kiev blamed Moscow for denying responsibility.
Pointing to the expectation of “more misinformation from the Russian state media in the coming days” the senior official concluded: “We hope the world is ready”.