Less than 10% of the world’s plastic is currently recycled, with production doubling since 2000 and reaching 367 million tons by 2020.
Study time: 1 minute.
Already reached exaggeration. The vast amounts of plastics and chemicals produced by mankind are out of bounds “Planetary frontiers”, According to a study Stockholm Recession Center, released Tuesday, February 15th. The center deals with “planetary limitations” in nine fields (climate change, freshwater use, ocean acidification, etc.).
According to the authors of the study, although all efforts to prevent these materials from ending up in the environment are worthwhile, the scale of the problem prompts them to consider radical solutions such as a maximum production ceiling. Production doubled from 2000 to 367 million tonnes by 2020, especially since less than 10% of recycled plastics from 2000 showed modest results.
Cocktails with 350,000 man-made synthetic ingredients and substantial quantities end up in the atmosphere or environment, “The effects we are beginning to notice are large enough to affect the vital functions of the Earth and its ecosystems.” Bethany Carney Almrod, co-author of the study, insists.
The authors also question the impact of “new companies”, i.e. all man-made substances (plastics, antibiotics, pesticides, etc.) and metals on their unnatural enrichment. “We are beginning to understand the long-term and massive consequences of these revelations.”Says the analyst.
Warns that efforts at the initial production or waste management level cannot ignore a drop in the volumes produced. “It seems obvious, but it’s been taken as a fact recently: the more you produce, the more you reject.”She begs.