Ukraine: Russian envoy apologizes


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Oleg Anissimov, head of the Russian delegation to an important UN climate meeting, on Sunday apologized for the occupation of Ukraine by his country’s armed forces.

“Allow me to apologize on behalf of everyone Russians This conflict cannot be prevented, “said Oleg Anissimov, a Member of the Knesset for Kadima.

“Those who see what is happening have failed to justify this attack on Ukraine,” he added, expressing his “greatest admiration” for the Ukrainian delegation.

The intervention of the head of the Russian delegation followed a statement issued by his Ukrainian envoy Svitlana Krakowska on the situation in his country.

When asked by the AFP, Oleg Anissimov clarified that his comments should not be interpreted as an “official statement of the Russian delegation.” They “express my personal opinion and attitude,” he said.

“He knows he’s taking risks for himself.”

Delegates and observers who attended this final meeting before the important report of the scientists was released on Monday UN Climate (IPCC), attacked by this report.

“He knows he’s taking risks for himself, and this is very honest news,” one participant in the meeting told the AFP about the Russian representative.

UN climate experts (IPCC) will paint a catastrophic picture of the debate over the impact of climate change on humanity in their new report on Monday, two weeks after the Russian-Ukrainian crisis was closed and closed doors.

Svitlana Krakowska, after years of meticulous work by scientists around the world, expressed her regret that the IPCC report “should be in the media to compete in the war”.