White Z, the symbol of Russian patriotism

White Z, the symbol of Russian patriotism


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War in Ukraine: White Z, symbol of Russian patriotism
Article written by

A. Bouleis, L. Bellili, O. Labalette, J. Montupet – France 2

French televisions

This sign is engraved on tanks in Russian military tanks and trucks. But what does white Z mean? Descriptions.

One Z White, White chalk, painted on Russian military tanks and trucks: this is the hallmark of the Russian offensive in Ukraine. Henceforth, it is worn in Russian rallies in support of military intervention in Ukraine, but also in schools, in the background of patriotic songs. The white Z is also seen on the T-shirt of a young Russian athlete at the Artistic Gymnastics World Championships in Qatar.

On social media, Z has become a pro-Putin political message. The Russian Defense Ministry has turned it into a slogan: “Z of victory”. However, no official explanation has been given for the meaning of this inscription on Russian tanks. Military experts believe the inscriptions on the trucks indicate the geographical appearance of the soldiers. Z means “zapad”, “western” in Russian. After all, this mark has become a symbol of Russian nationalism.

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